
【誠徵】國立中山大學企業管理學系醫務管理碩士班誠徵 專任教師

國立中山大學企業管理學系醫務管理碩士班誠徵 專任教師(隨到隨審,額滿為止)

壹、職    級:專任助理教授/副教授/教授



肆、專    長:醫務管理相關領域,特別歡迎跨領域學者。


 ()     履歷

 ()     學經歷證明影本(教師證書、大學以上畢業證書)及學術榮譽證明(科技部獲獎證明等)。獲國外學位者,請務必記得將學位證書送交駐外單位完成驗證。

 ()     五年著作目錄表及代表著作(如屬SCISSCI收錄論文,請註明Impact Factor)。

 ()     可擔任課程說明。

(五)       推薦信三封

 ()   應徵表單填妥送出:https://forms.gle/hSPePScTEtfrB1La7

陸、應徵資料請寄到:80424高雄市鼓山區蓮海路70 「國立中山大學管理學院企管系」。信封並註明「應徵管理相關領域教師」。若有任何疑問歡迎來電詢問:(07)52520004602 李季紋小姐,電子信箱:kris@mail.nsysu.edu.tw

六、 應徵資料請寄到:80424 高雄市鼓山區蓮海路 70 號 「國立中山大學企管系 新聘教師委員會收」。信封並註明「應徵管理相關領域教師」。若有任何疑問歡迎來電詢問:(07)5252000 轉 4602李季紋小姐,電子信箱: kris@mail.nsysu.edu.tw


Full-time teacher wanted Institute of Health Care Management of the Department of Business Management at National Sun Yat-sen University

A. Type of Position: Full-time assistant/ associate/ full professor 

B. Number of Positions: 3

C. Qualification: doctoral degree qualification in related fields with, have outstanding research performance and meet the New Faculty Recruitment Standard of Sun Yat-sen University

(Please refer to see: https://reurl.cc/RvrK6n)

D. Field of Specialty: Healthcare management-related fields. Scholars from multiple fields are welcome.

E. Documents required to be submitted:

 1. A curriculum vitae

 2. Copy (Certified) of degree diplomas (e.g., diploma certificate of bachelor’s degree or above) and proof of work experience (e.g., Faculty teaching certificate)

 3. Academic Award Certificate (e.g., Award Certificate of Ministry of Science and Technology)

 4. A list and offprints of academic publications within five years (Please state the Impact Factor if your journal articles are included by SCI and SSCI)

 5. Sample syllabus of courses that you, the applicant, have taught and propose to teach

 6. Fill in the Google form required for the application:


F. Please address the application materials to:

Management-related Faculty Application” Department of Business Management National Sun Yat-sen University No.70, LianHai Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City 804, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

G. For further information, please contact Ms.Ji Wen Li.

Tel: 886-7-5252000 ext. 4602

E-mail: kris@mail.nsysu.edu.tw

H. Deadline: Open until the positions are filled
